Gender Education Trends in Somalia from 2016-2026 “A Forecasting Study on Gross Enrolment, Net Enrolment Rates, and Gender Parity Index for Primary and Secondary Education”.
Dr. Said Abubakar Sheikh Ahmed
This study examines gender education trends in Somalia from 2016 to 2026 by forecasting gross enrolment, net enrolment rates, and gender parity index for primary and secondary education. Official statistical documents from the Somali Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education for primary and secondary schools from the academic years 2015/2016 to 2020/202 were analyzed using SPSS and Excel. The findings revealed a significant gender education gap, with boys having higher enrolment rates than girls at both levels due to poverty, child labor, poor security, and lack of community awareness. The Somali Ministry of Education has formulated a five-year plan to increase enrolment rates and promote gender equity in education. Finally, the study provides recommendations for policymakers to improve gender equity in education in Somalia.
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