Challenges to Successful Thesis Completion among Postgraduate Students
Prof. Said Abubakar Sheikh Ahmed
This study utilized a descriptive quantitative approach to examine the key challenges that postgraduate students face in completing their thesis work. The target population for the research consisted of master’s, and doctoral students enrolled in various academic disciplines at Universities in Mogadishu, and a random sampling technique was employed to obtain a sample size of 124 participants. The findings of the study identified several major obstacles that graduate students encounter during the thesis process. The most significant factors were time management issues, limited access to critical research resources, and various institutional barriers that did not adequately support the thesis completion. Specifically, the study found that Institutional Factors (mean 3.49) and Time Management (mean 3.4) were considered “Highly Challenging” by the participants. Access to Resources (mean 3.38), Supervisor Support (mean
3.22), Discipline-Specific Factors (mean 3.31), and Language Factors (mean 3.25) were rated as “Moderately Challenging”. Personal Obligations (mean 2.9) were also seen as “Moderately
Challenging” by the graduate students. The results of this study underscore the need for universities to provide stronger support systems and address these multifaceted challenges to enable postgraduate students to successfully complete their thesis work. Recommendations for improving thesis support are discussed
Abiddin, N. Z., & Ismail, A. (2011). Attrition and Completion Issues in Postgraduate
Studies for Student Development. International Review of Social Sciences and
Humanities, 1(1), 15–29.
Amani, J., Myeya, H., & Mhewa, M. (2022). Understanding the Motives for
Pursuing Postgraduate Studies and Causes of Late Completion: Supervisors and
Supervisees’ Experiences. SAGE Open, 12(3).
Ameen, K., Batool, S. H., & Naveed, M. A. (2019). Difficulties novice LIS
researchers face while formulating a research topic. Information Development,
35(4), 592–600.
Arthur, R., & Fenyi, D. A. (2023). Towards Minimizing the Delay/Non-completion
Rate of Research Master’s Degree in Ghana. Linguistics Initiative, 3(2), 125–139
Bayona-Oré, S., & Bazan, C. (2020). Why Students Find It Difficult to Finish their
Theses? Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(4), 591–602.
Brill, J. L., Balcanoff, K. K., Land, D., Gogarty, M., & Turner, F. (2014). Best
Practices in Doctoral Retention: Mentoring. Higher Learning Research
Communications, 4(2), 26.
Cekiso, M., Tshotsho, B., Masha, R., & Saziwa, T. (2019). Supervision experiences
of postgraduate research students at one South African higher education
institution. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(3), 8–25., A. M. I. (2021). A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Successful
Completion of Postgraduate Studies. Turkish Journal of Computer and
Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 152–161.
Ezebilo, E. E. (2012). Challenges in Postgraduate Studies: Assessments by Doctoral
Students in a Swedish University. Higher Education Studies, 2(4), 49–57.
Hadi, N. U., & Muhammad, B. (2019). Factors influencing postgraduate students’
performance: A high order top down structural equation modelling approach.
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 19(2), 58–73.
Ismail, A., Abiddin, N. Z., & Hassan, A. (2011). Improving the Development of
Postgraduates’ Research and Supervision. International Education Studies,
4(1), 78–89.
Jeyaraj, J. J. (2018). It’s a jungle out there: Challenges in postgraduate research
writing. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 18(1), 22–37.
Khozaei, F., Naidu, S., Khozaei, Z., & Salleh, N. A. (2015). An exploratory study of
factors that affect the research progress of international PhD students from the
middle east. Education and Training, 57(4), 448–460.
Lange, K., & Baillie, C. (2008). Exploring graduate student learning in applied
science and student-supervisor relationships: views of supervisors and their
students. Engineering Education, 3(1), 30–43.
Lobo, J. (2023). Students’ Challenges and Barriers in the Completion of an
Undergraduate Thesis in the Case of A Premier Local College in the
Philippines. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences,
6(1), 38–52.
Macharia, B., & Kamya, D. (2024). An African Perspective on Publication of
Postgraduate Residents ’ Dissertation : A qualitative study exploring residents
’ research experiences , barriers to publication and strategies to improve
publication rates from Kenyan medical residents. 1–14.
Muthukrishnan, P., Sidhu, G. K., Hoon, T. S., Narayanan, G., & Fook, C. Y. (2022).
Key Factors Influencing Graduation on Time Among Postgraduate Students: A
PLS-SEM Approach. Asian Journal of University Education, 18(1), 51–64.
Ngozi, A., & Kayode, O. G. (2013). Variables Attributed to Delay in Thesis
Completion by Postgraduate Students. Journal of Emerging Trends in
Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(1), 6–13.
Norton, J. (2011). “Getting to the end”: Psychological factors influencing research
higher degree completion. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student
Services Association, 38, 1–9.
Ofem, U., & Atah, C. (2022). Predictive Analysis of Research Competence on
Thesis Completion Rate among Postgraduate Students in Universities in SouthSouth Geopolitical Region, Nigeria. SSRN Electronic Journal, January.
Orwa, J. (n.d.). ” Addressing Barriers to Post-Graduate Research Training in Low
Resource Settings : An Innovative Approach in an Institution of Higher
Learning in. 1–19.
Rauf, F. H. A. (2016). Challenges of Thesis Work: Towards Minimizing the NonCompletion Rate in the Postgraduate Degree Program. European Journal of
Business and Management Www.Iiste.Org ISSN, 8(7).
Saidin, K. h., Veloo, A., & Shari, R. (2016). Exploring postgraduate students’
challenges in doing master research. International Conference on Education
and New Development, June.
Salehuddin, M., Zahari, M., Hadi, H. A., Mohd, N., Nik, S., Nor, M., & Noor, S. M.
(2014). Hospitality Program Postgraduate Theses : What Hinders Their
Accomplishment ? 8(9), 2929–2936.
Shahab, S. A., Tassaduq, I., Haque, A., Naheed, A., Zafar, M., & Zakria, I. (2021).
Study of the Factors that Influence the Completion of the Thesis of Master of
Health Professions Education Graduates: A Qualitative Study. Journal of
Rawalpindi Medical College, 25(3), 423–428.
Singh, J. K. N., & Jack, G. (2022). The Role of Language and Culture in
Postgraduate International Students’ Academic Adjustment and Academic
Success: Qualitative Insights From Malaysia. Journal of International Students,
12(2), 444–466.
Theodore, R., Taumoepeau, M., Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Unasa, C., Kokaua, J.,
Taylor, N., Ramrakha, S., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2018). Pacific university
graduates in New Zealand: what helps and hinders completion. AlterNative,
14(2), 138–146.
Tikoko, B. J. (2021). Editon Consortium Journal of Educational Management and
Leadership [ ISSN : 2709-1414 ] An analysis of Situational Barriers Affecting
Postgraduate Students in Private Universities in Kenya Authors Editon
Consortium Journal of Educational Management and Le. 2, 97–104.
UNESCO. (2015). No Titleหลักการบริหา. Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Wilson, L., & Pool, J. (2024). Barriers to and enablers for the success of
postgraduate students in social work. Social Work Education, 00(00), 1–18.
Wisker, G., Robinson, G., Trafford, V., Creighton, E., & Warnes, M. (2003).
Recognising and overcoming dissonance in postgraduate student research.
Studies in Higher Education, 28(1), 91–105.
Abiddin, N. Z., & Ismail, A. (2011). Attrition and Completion Issues in Postgraduate
Studies for Student Development. International Review of Social Sciences and
Humanities, 1(1), 15–29.
Amani, J., Myeya, H., & Mhewa, M. (2022). Understanding the Motives for
Pursuing Postgraduate Studies and Causes of Late Completion: Supervisors and
Supervisees’ Experiences. SAGE Open, 12(3).
Ameen, K., Batool, S. H., & Naveed, M. A. (2019). Difficulties novice LIS
researchers face while formulating a research topic. Information Development,
35(4), 592–600.
Arthur, R., & Fenyi, D. A. (2023). Towards Minimizing the Delay/Non-completion
Rate of Research Master’s Degree in Ghana. Linguistics Initiative, 3(2), 125–139
Bayona-Oré, S., & Bazan, C. (2020). Why Students Find It Difficult to Finish their
Theses? Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(4), 591–602.
Brill, J. L., Balcanoff, K. K., Land, D., Gogarty, M., & Turner, F. (2014). Best
Practices in Doctoral Retention: Mentoring. Higher Learning Research
Communications, 4(2), 26.
Cekiso, M., Tshotsho, B., Masha, R., & Saziwa, T. (2019). Supervision experiences
of postgraduate research students at one South African higher education
institution. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(3), 8–25., A. M. I. (2021). A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Successful
Completion of Postgraduate Studies. Turkish Journal of Computer and
Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 152–161.
Ezebilo, E. E. (2012). Challenges in Postgraduate Studies: Assessments by Doctoral
Students in a Swedish University. Higher Education Studies, 2(4), 49–57.
Hadi, N. U., & Muhammad, B. (2019). Factors influencing postgraduate students’
performance: A high order top down structural equation modelling approach.
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 19(2), 58–73.
Ismail, A., Abiddin, N. Z., & Hassan, A. (2011). Improving the Development of
Postgraduates’ Research and Supervision. International Education Studies,
4(1), 78–89.
Jeyaraj, J. J. (2018). It’s a jungle out there: Challenges in postgraduate research
writing. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 18(1), 22–37.
Khozaei, F., Naidu, S., Khozaei, Z., & Salleh, N. A. (2015). An exploratory study of
factors that affect the research progress of international PhD students from the
middle east. Education and Training, 57(4), 448–460.
Lange, K., & Baillie, C. (2008). Exploring graduate student learning in applied
science and student-supervisor relationships: views of supervisors and their
students. Engineering Education, 3(1), 30–43.
Lobo, J. (2023). Students’ Challenges and Barriers in the Completion of an
Undergraduate Thesis in the Case of A Premier Local College in the
Philippines. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences,
6(1), 38–52.
Macharia, B., & Kamya, D. (2024). An African Perspective on Publication of
Postgraduate Residents ’ Dissertation : A qualitative study exploring residents
’ research experiences , barriers to publication and strategies to improve
publication rates from Kenyan medical residents. 1–14.
Muthukrishnan, P., Sidhu, G. K., Hoon, T. S., Narayanan, G., & Fook, C. Y. (2022).
Key Factors Influencing Graduation on Time Among Postgraduate Students: A
PLS-SEM Approach. Asian Journal of University Education, 18(1), 51–64.
Ngozi, A., & Kayode, O. G. (2013). Variables Attributed to Delay in Thesis
Completion by Postgraduate Students. Journal of Emerging Trends in
Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(1), 6–13.
Norton, J. (2011). “Getting to the end”: Psychological factors influencing research
higher degree completion. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student
Services Association, 38, 1–9.
Ofem, U., & Atah, C. (2022). Predictive Analysis of Research Competence on
Thesis Completion Rate among Postgraduate Students in Universities in SouthSouth Geopolitical Region, Nigeria. SSRN Electronic Journal, January.
Orwa, J. (n.d.). ” Addressing Barriers to Post-Graduate Research Training in Low
Resource Settings : An Innovative Approach in an Institution of Higher
Learning in. 1–19.
Rauf, F. H. A. (2016). Challenges of Thesis Work: Towards Minimizing the NonCompletion Rate in the Postgraduate Degree Program. European Journal of
Business and Management Www.Iiste.Org ISSN, 8(7).
Saidin, K. h., Veloo, A., & Shari, R. (2016). Exploring postgraduate students’
challenges in doing master research. International Conference on Education
and New Development, June.
Salehuddin, M., Zahari, M., Hadi, H. A., Mohd, N., Nik, S., Nor, M., & Noor, S. M.
(2014). Hospitality Program Postgraduate Theses : What Hinders Their
Accomplishment ? 8(9), 2929–2936.
Shahab, S. A., Tassaduq, I., Haque, A., Naheed, A., Zafar, M., & Zakria, I. (2021).
Study of the Factors that Influence the Completion of the Thesis of Master of
Health Professions Education Graduates: A Qualitative Study. Journal of
Rawalpindi Medical College, 25(3), 423–428.
Singh, J. K. N., & Jack, G. (2022). The Role of Language and Culture in
Postgraduate International Students’ Academic Adjustment and Academic
Success: Qualitative Insights From Malaysia. Journal of International Students,
12(2), 444–466.
Theodore, R., Taumoepeau, M., Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Unasa, C., Kokaua, J.,
Taylor, N., Ramrakha, S., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2018). Pacific university
graduates in New Zealand: what helps and hinders completion. AlterNative,
14(2), 138–146.
Tikoko, B. J. (2021). Editon Consortium Journal of Educational Management and
Leadership [ ISSN : 2709-1414 ] An analysis of Situational Barriers Affecting
Postgraduate Students in Private Universities in Kenya Authors Editon
Consortium Journal of Educational Management and Le. 2, 97–104.
UNESCO. (2015). No Titleหลักการบริหา. Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Wilson, L., & Pool, J. (2024). Barriers to and enablers for the success of
postgraduate students in social work. Social Work Education, 00(00), 1–18.
Wisker, G., Robinson, G., Trafford, V., Creighton, E., & Warnes, M. (2003).
Recognising and overcoming dissonance in postgraduate student research.
Studies in Higher Education, 28(1), 91–105.