Exploring Perspectives of Lecturers and Administrators at Universities On the New Foundation Year Policy for Enhancing Higher Education Quality in Somalia.
Professor: Said Abubakar Sheikh Ahmed
Gender Education Trends in Somalia from 2016-2026 “A Forecasting Study on Gross Enrolment, Net Enrolment Rates, and Gender Parity Index for Primary and Secondary Education”.
Dr. Said Abubakar Sheikh Ahmed
A Content Analysis of the Math Textbook, Grade Twelve at Secondary Schools in Somalia.
Dr. Shuaib Abdullahi Salad
Perception of Social Work Female Students toward Challenges to the Female Students in Higher Education in Mogadishu.
Ms. Su’ad Ali Omar Arif
Using Comprehensive Approach to Social Media and undergraduate Students Performance in Mogadishu, Somalia.
Dr.Abdulkadir Jeilani
Examining the Impact of Student Characteristics & Media Factors on Students’ Aggression Behavior at Secondary Schools in Mogadishu.
Mr. Abduljalil Mohamoud Roble
Factors Influencing the Provision of Quality Education at Somali National University: An Exploratory Study from the Views of the Lecturers.
Yonis Abdullahi Hersi
العلاقة الارتباطية بين تعظيم شعيرة الصلاة بسمة الثقة بالنفس والميل الاجتماعي في مرحلة البكالوريوس لدى طلبة جامعة مقديشو
د. على طاهر محمد عمر